Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of enterotoxigenic extra-intestinal Bacteroides fragilis among 13-year collection of isolates in Kuwait

Some strains of Bacteroides fragilis species are associated with diarrhea as a result of enterotoxin production (bft or fragilysin). Fragilysin is activated by C11 protease (fpn) and together with C10 protease (bfp) play a significant role in its invasiveness. The objectives of this study were to in...

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Szerzők: Jamal Wafaa
Khodakhast Fatima Bibi
AlAzmi Ameerah
Sóki József
AlHashem Ghayda
Rotimi Vincent O.
Dokumentumtípus: Cikk
Megjelent: 2020

Online Access:
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:Some strains of Bacteroides fragilis species are associated with diarrhea as a result of enterotoxin production (bft or fragilysin). Fragilysin is activated by C11 protease (fpn) and together with C10 protease (bfp) play a significant role in its invasiveness. The objectives of this study were to investigate the proportion of clinical isolates from extra-intestinal sources that are toxin producers and characterize the genes mediating toxin production. Clinical isolates submitted to our reference laboratory over the last 13 years were screened for toxin production using PCR technique. All stool isolates were excluded. The isolates were tested for their susceptibility to 8 antimicrobial agents by E test. Carbapenem resistance gene cfiA was detected by PCR.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:Terjedelem: 7 p-Azonosító: 14