Szemben az árral Szeged-Szentmihály lelkiségi élete /

The little suburb of Szeged-Szentmihály is numbering approximately 2500 inhabitants. I have worked here as a priest for six years now. I consider my main target to support not only the spiritual life of people living in my parish, strengthening their connection to Church and especially to God, but a...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Thorday Attila
Testületi szerző: Vallási Néprajzi Konferencia (11.) (2012) (Szeged)
Dokumentumtípus: Könyv része
Megjelent: 2014
Sorozat:A vallási kultúrakutatás könyvei
Lelkiségek, lelkiségi mozgalmak Magyarországon és Kelet-Közép Európában = Spirituality and spiritual movements in Hungary and Eastern Europe
Kulcsszavak:Katolikus egyház - Szeged-Szentmihály, Hitélet - katolikus - Magyarország - regionális, Vallásos közösség - katolikus, Vallásosság - népi - magyar
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Tartalmi kivonat:The little suburb of Szeged-Szentmihály is numbering approximately 2500 inhabitants. I have worked here as a priest for six years now. I consider my main target to support not only the spiritual life of people living in my parish, strengthening their connection to Church and especially to God, but also to maintain in a satisfactory way the co-existence of different social groups dwelling adjacent to each other. It is important to see the difference between the so called “traditional families” of the area, who usually work in agriculture. Their daily routine, their lifestyle, their image of Church and religion are adopted to their simple and hard-working village-like life. Their attitude to Church might also be called “traditional”, based on pure respect towards a quasi “iconic” priest. They also have traditional religious practice, they prefer certain forms of cults of saints and prayers, like the rosary. On the other side of the road, the other half of the suburb is inhabited by young families moving out of the town, looking for the possibility of a more peaceful country life. They consider their new home a garden suburb, they usually work in the town, have a completely different schedule since they work, get their goods from supermarkets, and look for entertainment also in the town. If they have faith and practice religion, they expect flexibility, authenticity and openness from the priest and the parish. The initiatives of the parish help the local community to define and re-define people’s common identity as a community of Szeged-Szentmihály, as well as members of the Church, regardless of their inherited or gained social group statuses. The transformation in people’s attitudes has affected and renewed not only parish life but has resulted in a new sociologically based strategy for dissolving suburban segregation.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:65-69