Karó vagy bitófa? a bizánci források jogi szóhasználatáról Bulcsú /

On 15 August 955 Henry, prince of Bavaria, after the battle in Lech-field, hung Bulcsu (one of the leaders of the Hungarian campaign) on gallows in Augsburg. All the western (Hungarian, German) historical sources reported this „European newsworthy" event unanimously. On behalf of the translatio...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Szabó Pál
Testületi szerző: Medievisztikai PhD-konferencia (7.) (2012) (Szeged)
Dokumentumtípus: Könyv része
Megjelent: 2012
Sorozat:Középkortörténeti tanulmányok 7
Kulcsszavak:Jogtörténet - bizánci - 10. sz.
Online Access:http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/65358
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:On 15 August 955 Henry, prince of Bavaria, after the battle in Lech-field, hung Bulcsu (one of the leaders of the Hungarian campaign) on gallows in Augsburg. All the western (Hungarian, German) historical sources reported this „European newsworthy" event unanimously. On behalf of the translations of Byzantine sources (Skylitzés, Zonaras) this execution was impaling or crucifixion. This study philologically analyzes and sums up the classical and Byzantine usage of these greek verbs 'àvaaicoXomÇco, ávaazocxjpb and points out the semantic differences, the traps of misunderstandings. Through a Theophylaktos Simokattes-passage and a miniature of this execution illustrated in the Skylitzés Chronicle (Codex Graecus Matritensis Ioannis Skyllitzes) it is possible to identificate the Byzantine procedure of hanging. For this type of execution a special fork-shaped gallow was used for both hanging and crucifixion. But the Byzantine legal terminology (Eklogé, Procheiros nomos) used the verb from Latin: tpovpiàÇa). The observance of multifunctional usage needs the correct interpretation and translation of Skylitzés and Zonaras and makes solveable the seemingly contradiction of the sources: it was hanging and not impaling.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:545-567