A 2005. tavaszi árvíz által okozott ártérfeltöltődés a Maros és a Közép-Tisza egy rövid szakasza mentén = Floodplain aggradation caused by the spring flood of 2005, along short sections of Maros and Middle-Tisza rivers
Compared to earlier ones the spring flood of 2005 was not unique nor hydrologically nor in terms of accumulation. The amount of aggradation decreased exponentially from the river bed. The greatest accumulation was measured along point bars and levees, further, it dropped radically. Far from the chan...
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Dokumentumtípus: | Könyv része |
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Sorozat: | Táj, környezet és társadalom : ünnepi tanulmányok Keveiné Bárány Ilona professzor asszony tiszteletére = Landscape, environment ans society : studies in honour of professor Ilona Bárány-Kevei on the occasion of her birthday
Kulcsszavak: | Árvíz - Tisza - 2005 |
Online Access: | http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/62427 |
Tartalmi kivonat: | Compared to earlier ones the spring flood of 2005 was not unique nor hydrologically nor in terms of accumulation. The amount of aggradation decreased exponentially from the river bed. The greatest accumulation was measured along point bars and levees, further, it dropped radically. Far from the channel the morphology of the floodplain determines the aggradation, as it increased along the ox-bows. As the sediment discharge of the Maros is far more than of the Tisza, the amount of accumulated sediment was the same, though, the flood lasted twice longer on the Tisza. |
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők: | 551-559 |
ISBN: | 963 482 782 9 |