The importance of plant genetic resources in agroecosystem

Monitoring and conservation of plant genetic resources are essential for the development of modern agricultural production. Biodiversity of plant resources in agriculture is a biological basis for ensuring quality world food, acting as the basis for creating new varieties through conventional crossi...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerzők: Bošković Jelena
Zečević Veselinka
Galonja Coghill Tamara
Milenković Slobodan
Hojka Zdravko
Könyves Tibor
Dozet Gordana
Dokumentumtípus: Cikk
Megjelent: 2012
Sorozat:Review on agriculture and rural development 1 No. 1
Kulcsszavak:Fajok megőrzése - természetvédelem, Biodiverzitás, Növényvilág, Ökológiai rendszerek - gazdálkodás, Környezetgazdálkodás
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Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:Monitoring and conservation of plant genetic resources are essential for the development of modern agricultural production. Biodiversity of plant resources in agriculture is a biological basis for ensuring quality world food, acting as the basis for creating new varieties through conventional crossing process or application of biotechnology. Since the laboratory and field experiments can not assume all the possible interactions that may occur in the ecosystem, monitoring is necessary in natural environment, bringing to light the necessity of collaborative interdisciplinary involvement and research.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:302-308