Történeti népénekek a hazai délszláv nemzetiségek körében
In the introductory paragraph, the author is pointing to the fact that, although Southern Slav folk-poetry practised by the Serbo-Croatian inhabitants of our country who sought refuge and settled down in Hungary under the reign of the Osmanli-Turks (in the 16—17th centuries) has a past of more than...
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Sorozat: | Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : sectio ethnographica et linguistica = néprajz és nyelvtudomány = étnografiâ i azykoznanie = Volkskunde und Sprachwissenschaft
15-16 |
Kulcsszavak: | Népköltészet - délszláv, Népdal - délszláv |
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Online Access: | http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/3532 |
Tartalmi kivonat: | In the introductory paragraph, the author is pointing to the fact that, although Southern Slav folk-poetry practised by the Serbo-Croatian inhabitants of our country who sought refuge and settled down in Hungary under the reign of the Osmanli-Turks (in the 16—17th centuries) has a past of more than fourhundred years, hardly anybody have taken the initiative to collect and explore the literary remains of Serbo-Croatian heroic poetry handed down to us by oral tradition. It is a fact, anyway, that József Székács, György Radics,- Mihály Vitkovics, Ede Margalits'and recently Zoltán Csuka in particular, have made serious efforts in order to make popular the folkpoetry of our Southern neighbours with the Hungarian reading public by the interpretations and excellent literary translations of Southern Slav heroic epics, songs and ballads. The author is presenting Croatian heroic songs and fragments of heroic songs respectively, collected at Bezenye (in North-Western Transdanubia) and Serbian ones recorded on magnetic tape at Battonya (in South-Eastern Hungary). The songs found at Bezenye are.the following: 1. Zenil se je Marko mlad... (Young Marko got married...), 2. Turobil je Marko mlad... (Young Marko was moúrning...), and at 3. Kosovska bitka... (The battle of Kosovo...), 4. Soko bira... (The falcon is ferreting...). The chapter giving analysis is referring to the causes of the (Croatian) songs of Bezeny being conserved, and to the supposed time of genesis (end of the 14th Century or beginning of the 15th Century) of the traditions serving as a pattern to the texts. These texts are compared with the similar song-texts of the classical collections published from Serbo-Croatian sources of Yugoslavia. It is established that the Croatian texts of Bezenye have a historico-genetic connection with the Serbo-Croatian heroic epics of earlier centuries, having similar subject-matter; there are, however, some differences, as well. One of the differences is the songs growing shorter, the other manifests itself in the influence of the coexistence of Serbo-Croations with other (Slovak, German) national minorities (e.g., Slovak and German loan-words). The shortening of songs is a result of changed functions. The (Serbian) songs of 'Battonya, on the other hand, are closer to the classic texts similar in theme, collected by Vuk Karadzic. It seems, therefore, to be probable that the Serbian settlers of Battonya have brought heroic songs to their new country from a different circle of traditions; on the other hand, their losing contact with the old country did not take place so long ago that they should have as rich a tradition as the Croations of Bezenye do. It is a common characteristic of the texts presented that they are connected with the historic events of the sometime struggles against the Turkish conquerors and with their hero (Marko) created by the people. To conclude, the author is drawing attention to some metrical peculiarities. |
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők: | 165-177 |
ISSN: | 0586-3716 |