1Iung Bernard, Delgado Victoria, Rosenhek Raphael, Price Susanna, Prendergast Bernard, Wendler Olaf, De Bonis Michele, Tribouilloy Christophe, Evangelista Arturo, Bogachev-Prokophiev Alexander, Apor Astrid, Kollaborációs szervezet: EORP INVESTIGATORS, Zsáry András, Jebelovszki Éva, et alOnline elérés
2019Cikk -
2Cosentino Francesco, Grant Peter J., Aboyans Victor, Bailey Clifford J., Ceriello Antonio, Delgado Victoria, Federic Massimo, Filippatos Gerasimos, Grobbee Diederick E., Hansen Tina Birgitte, Huikuri Heikki V., European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Merkely Béla Péter, Lengyel Csaba AttilaOnline elérés