"Hogyan kell cselekednünk" - igazságos egyén és igazságos állam kapcsolata Platón Államában

Justice is a preferred notion in our social life. As much as we feel it important to clarify the concept and content, this notion slips out of our hands when we want to grab it and explain it more. No one can deny the actuality of the problem, but I chose to present an author who is not in any way c...

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Bibliográfiai részletek
Szerző: Balázs Katalin
Testületi szerző: Eötvözet (2.)
További közreműködők: Platon
Dokumentumtípus: Könyv része
Megjelent: SZTE Eötvös Loránd Kollégium Szeged 2013
Sorozat:Acta Szegediensia Collegii de Rolando Eötvös Nominati : Eötvözet 2
Kulcsszavak:Filozófia - ókori - görög - i.e. 4. sz., Görög irodalom - próza, Államelmélet - ókori - görög
Online Access:http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/55600
Leíró adatok
Tartalmi kivonat:Justice is a preferred notion in our social life. As much as we feel it important to clarify the concept and content, this notion slips out of our hands when we want to grab it and explain it more. No one can deny the actuality of the problem, but I chose to present an author who is not in any way can be described as modern - but I think we can speak about his topicality. While reading Plato the reader often has a sense of that his own society problems are the topics of the dialogues. In The Republic, the aim of the dialogue is to setting up an equitable, ideal state. Plato starts with an eschatological featured investigation. Socrates and Kephalos discuss the problem of life after death. As Plato describes him as a very old man, Kephalos is strongly concerned about the idea to see what happens after death. The main question is, how the man should live his life as to leave no debt to anyone when it comes time to say goodbye. Is there a main principle that helps to reach the peace of the soul of man - and later on the other side as well? Plato attempts to define justice on several occasions conceptually. Since they want to create an ideal state, they are talking of the same opinion that it's all about achieving a good base for it. If the base is good, the state necessarily will be perfect. In the first book three opinions are separated in relations to justice. The first one is the principle of Simonides in the interpretation of Kephalos and Polemarchos. According to this, justice is “to tell the truth and return what one has received” (331 d). The second, who is wishing to define the notion, is the sophist Thrasymachos who formulates a "new morality" which is quite the opposite of Socrates’, and the third one is Socrates himself, who transmits the calmer philosophical thinking to the others. While Thrasymachos represents the practice, the power of the stronger men, Socrates insists on the ideal opinion that being equitable is a way of life; this is the rule of the reason over our instincts. Plato is emphasizes in several places that justice is manifests if everyone does their job and does not deal with the others: it is the only way to work harmoniously in the state. In fact, not only in the state: in the individual, it is the harmony of the different parts of the soul. According to Plato’s vision to justice, we can describe it as the expression of the perfect order, or appropriate rate. If harmony is realized, justice will realize too. That is how justice is becoming a power; a power to converge virtues and people of the state.
Terjedelem/Fizikai jellemzők:118-125